The stuff of wisdom and life. All that is was brought about by words, and words are the tool to restore what we lost so long ago in the garden.

Not thoughts, but words. We can’t think ourselves healthy, we can’t fill that deep void inside with unspoken concepts. Only words carry the significance and power to touch souls and to heal.

Jesus preached. Here in Matthew we have a near complete example of HOW He spoke… as one with understanding and authority. His words opened the door to deep concepts long forgotten. His words cut deeply though the muck and mire of our existence to expose our own hidden darkness, to promise true light and peace to our weary hearts. His words were and still are life.

Yet His words were death, to Him. The very light He brought to a hurting world so angered the leaders of the day, they plotted to silence Him through death. They could no longer be the ones in charge of the people, because their own words were dark, empty, useless when compared to the light and life Jesus spoke. His words must be silenced so that these dark souls could remain powerful in their darkness where they controlled the masses.

And silenced Him they did. Within a few years they succeeded in Jesus’ death, His silence. Or so they thought! But darkness can not snuff out a light! Jesus turned their moment of dark success into an eternity of light! His words persist, changing lives, filling souls, rescuing the dyeing, comforting the hurting. His words bring life, power, peace.

Know that words have power, words can bring light or dark. Words can heal or hurt. Words can create or destroy. We must speak, but must speak life.

Sometimes our words are the only Jesus heard by those around us.

Speak life.

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